Terms of Services

1. Introduction

Welcome to PrimeHost AI, a guest communication service. By using this services, you agree to comply with these terms of service.

2. Use of the services

Use of the services is solely for the purpose of guest communication within PrimeHost AI. Users must not engage in any misuse, abuse, or unlawful activities through the services.

3. Data Handling and Privacy

PrimeHost AI is committed to protecting user data. Refer to our Privacy Policy for details on data collection, usage, and protection. User interactions with the services may be stored for analysis and improvement purposes.

4. User Responsibilities

Users are responsible for the accuracy of information shared through the services. Prohibited actions include spamming, spreading malicious content, or attempting to manipulate the services.

5. Service Description

The services facilitates communication between guests and PrimeHost AI for inquiries, support, and information provision.

6. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights related to the services and its content belong to PrimeHost AI. Users may not reproduce, distribute, or modify the services or its content without authorization.

7. Limitation of Liability

PrimeHost AI shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use or inability to use the services. We do not guarantee uninterrupted, error-free, or secure access to the services.

8. Termination

PrimeHost AI reserves the right to terminate access to the services for users who violate these terms of service. Users can terminate their use of the services at any time.

9. Changes to Terms

PrimeHost AI may update these terms of service. Users will be notified of any changes. Continued use of the services after modifications constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

10. Governing Law

These terms of service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Greece. Any disputes arising from these terms shall be resolved through arbitration or a competent court.

11. Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns about these terms of service, please contact at info@primehost.ai.